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This project consisted in promoting the work of an artist. I chose the metal band Escape The Fate and decided to create a fake wor- ld tour of their first album. The goal was to create an artistic direc- tion and to create a team to carry out our project.

To break the image that we basically gave to metal bands, I decided to take a neon aesthetic and to create a video game to blend the passion of the members of the group with their root, their hometown: Las Vegas. This video game is a 3D representa- tion of the city. The coins are placed in hotels that’s represented cities of the world to start initiating the idea of a world tour: The Luxor, The New York, The Paris and the Venetian.

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Pictures : San Zagari

Top : Mélody Munsch

Modeln : Quincy Gabard

3D : Mélody Munsch & Bruno Huetto

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